Saturday, September 28, 2024

Today’s Kitchen Adventure: Dosa vs. The Pan That Stopped Giving

Gather around, my curious readers, for today’s story isn’t just about dosa—no, it’s about life, change, and yes, crispy surprises that show up when you least expect them. So grab your tea, coffee, or masala chai, and let’s dive in!

It was a regular evening in my kitchen (recently I have been spending more time in my kitchen again and enjoying being creative and trying new things or  combining different things for a unique spin for myself), and I decided to make dosa. Now, I have done this before. Heck, I am no newbie. I had this trusty old nonstick pan—a pan that has seen its fair share of golden, crispy dosas. You know, the kind of dosa that gives you that satisfying crunch when you fold it over. Yeah, that pan!!!!

The batter was store-bought, but I knew it worked because I had used it before and got dosa perfection. Today, I was confident. So, I heated up the pan, poured the batter, and...

Well, the first dosa turned out like a sad crumbling pancake. But hey, the first dosa always has some issues, right? It’s like the test run. I wasn’t too worried. I got back at it, but—oh no, the second one? That didn’t just fail. It stuck. It curled up like mini dumplings, taunting me as I stood there, spatula in hand with all the force and pressure I could gather, wondering what cosmic force had betrayed my perfect dosa dreams.

Now, here is where my inner innovator kicked in. I thought, “It can’t be me, right? Must be the batter. It’s always the batter.” So, I pulled out a trick from my old playbook and added some rava. If you have ever cooked Indian food, you know that rava (semolina) is the magic dust that fixes all. Crispy dosas? No problem! I was certain it would work now. I stood there, smug as a dosa pro, ready for redemption.

And what did I get?

More mini dumplings. ;)

I was frustrated. My dosa dreams were crumbling faster than I could fix them.

Then it hit me—maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t the batter. Maybe the old nonstick pan had finally given up on me. I looked around the kitchen and spotted this shiny new pancake pan that I had bought a while back, inspired by my mom's collection in India, but not used much. It had these cute little four slots, usually used for—well, pancakes. But hey, desperate times call for desperate measures. Plus, I had already given up on dosas and figured I could at least make uttapam (the chunky cousin of dosa) by adding some onions, tomatoes, and green chilies to the batter. What did I have to lose?

So, I poured the batter into those slots and braced myself for more failure.

But then, as if the universe finally decided to stop messing with me, out came four perfectly golden, crispy uttapams. Voila! I was back in business.

Now, what’s the lesson in this crispy catastrophe?

1. Just because something worked well before doesn’t mean it will work forever.
My old pan had served me well in the past, but today? Not so much. Things, tools, and even people sometimes stop working the way they used to. And that’s okay. It’s a sign to move and change things up.

2. Don’t bang your head against the wall (or pan) when things aren’t working.
I was convinced the batter was the problem, but it wasn’t. Sometimes, you’re focusing on the wrong issue. A change in tool—or even environment—can be the breakthrough you need.

3. When life gives you dosa batter, but no dosa, make uttapam.
Or at least try. Don’t be afraid to adapt when things don’t go as planned. You might just end up with something even better than you expected.

So, the next time you’re frustrated that something isn’t working—whether it’s a work project, a relationship, or your beloved dosa recipe—take a moment to pause. Maybe it’s time to change the tool. Or maybe it’s time to change you.

After all, life’s big lessons come in small crispy packages—even if they sometimes look like mini dumplings at first. 😜

Stay curious, stay crispy, and keep innovating!

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