Saturday, February 14, 2009

Astrology and character traits....

I believe in horoscopes and sometimes I get confused with the compatability reading between different signs.. I am a leo and I wonder if leo's do not do so well with signs like Gemini, Cancer and Scorpio, why do I have majority of my list of best or close friends falling under the sign? One thing that has fascinated me in the last couple of years is how astrology works. How are they able to predict a person's nature just by the configurations of the planets on the day they were born...How wearing certain stones makes you lucky or helps you nullify the bad influence of the planetary positions on your life...Can this happen? Is is true? Well, I do not know if I fully believe in stones and their influence, but I had this ruby ring as a gift on one of my birthdays and have always thought of it as my lucky charm..Things in life have changed for the better after wearing that..Now, maybe the things were destined to change and thus changed, but somehow I just noticed them after wearing this..But then what is destiny..How can you be destined for something..Why do some people get all the things in life without working for it and why do some people work so hard and still get no results..Being born in India, I had been introduced to the Karma theory since birth and now I see people in the west believing in it too... Do good and u get good in return, but still how much good things you get would depend on your past karma? So then, I would say its unpredictable how much good or bad things/experiences you would get in life!! Well not really sometimes, if you believe in astrology..The other day I ordered some reports from this website called, believe me, the astrologers there know what they are doing! I mean, I got this real you reading and it said all things about me, which I usually ignore or would not like to believe existing...So, the day I was born and the time I was born, actually makes the nature I have today..Like if I am very social, it is not because I want to be social but its because I have been born under that planetary confirguration which makes me social..Wow!! amazing huh...Well, so I have been pondering about these things for a while now and during one of the discussions with my close friends, one of whose father happens to be a gynaec surgeon told me, these days instead of the natural birth of the child when it would occur, parents like to have their babies delivered at some particular time which they have confirmed with their astrologers to be the most auspicious time..Now,one thing I keep thinking about is, what if in the future all the babies are born on such days that they are always going to be lucky and rich, how would the basic economic theory of supply and demand hold? Can everyone be rich and lucky at the same time?


  1. Hey bhumika... its nicely expressed.Well i dont believe in horoscopes i believe its our own self who bulid and maintain a relationship with any one of any one born on any day date time. This does not matter anymore. With the time period i have learnt that if you want something you need to really work hard on it and one day you will achieve it.rather than blaming other people or other factors that b'coz of certain things it did not happen. Its tue that you can never change destiny but if you dont have a dream to achieve something you can never reach your destiny. In the book alchemist its truely said if you have eternal love of having something within you true heart the whole universe will help to make your dream true, sucessful and i really beileve it. If you leave it in the middle that means you have lost hope and that is where you go wrong.

    Hey bhumika i dont no that i can comment like this but well i really loved what ever you expressed and this blog how have you created and what its exactly for.. plz update on our gmail account. and i hope you like my comments. love u dear....

  2. Hi.. I was curious what blog you were promoting through your gtalk status.. then i read through your blog.. very nicely written.. but you know what i feel about astrology.. i wont say i dont believe in it.. sometimes when things dont go right.. i am so tempted to call home and ask them to figure out whats wrong with my horoscope.. but that also doesnt mean I completely believe what they say

    I think astrology gives you support in times when you feel anxious about future.. the uncertainities make you want to rely on this as a means to control your future, to draw strength on power of rings, small "vidhis" etc and to give you hope that things are going to go well..

    Probably they are.. thats the cycle of life .. good after bad and bad after good.. but when its bad.. we certainly want to believe in everything that promises us things will turn good..

  3. Hey Bhoomi...I am impressed again and also motivated to write more(in fact start writing). How easy you are in your words, I feel, it's me reading myself :-).

    I am really looking forward to read more of you and more from you. Becoming a fan of yours....Keep writing n keep inspiring.

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